Apr 30, 2015

#CreativeSprint Day 29 hide & seek

#CreativeSprint Day 29
Make something someone else to find 

-- I always out a cat food out in our garden but I put it upstairs balcony where I put a box for her. I drew a sign for her. see if she will find it today. 

Apr 29, 2015

Sketchbook Project "Reunited Arty San Francisco 2014"

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This is the sketchbook project from Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn Art Library.

sketchbook project


It was the first time, and I had no idea how to fill in the sketchbook. But I finally finished to make as photo collage book about my trip to San Francisco last November (2014.)


I have many more photos from the rest of the trip, so I will continue making with this theme for this year's version. I am now in the process of doing the Sketchbook Project 2016.


#CreativeSprint Day 28 Camouflage

#CreativeSprint Day 28 camouflage something @ALRcreates -- origami pencils in color pencils.

Apr 28, 2015

process of painting "Me me and Fred"

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I tried to make a slideshow about the process of "Me me and Fred" painting on Youtube. 


#CreativeSprint Day 27 alter ads

#CreativeSprint Day 27 make or alter advertisement 
Simple collage and stamping 

me-me, Fred painting is done

I finished with this painting now. go on to the next project ... 
acrylic & collage on linen 

Apr 26, 2015

#CreativeSprint Day 25 frog origami

#CreativeSprint Day 25 I made a origami frog which can jump. If I make more, we can compete who will jump more. :)

Apr 25, 2015

#SBPprocess sketchbook background

#SBPpeocess drawing background of the sketch book pages 

「デザイン あ」E テレ みてたら 柄をつけるというアイディアが湧いた。(*^^*) 

Scissors on Tomo's Art Shop

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はさみの絵 2008年
29.6 by 21 cm

Apr 23, 2015

Me & Art 搬入の作品の写真

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Gallery sent me the photos of the art works they brought in for the next show. I guess they will take the sheets out from the doors and windows after finished remodeling the place...

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