May 30, 2014

Flaxagon folding フラクサゴンの折り方

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試しにCasa Coで撮った写真をプリントして別々のページに糊で貼付けて見ました。

May 29, 2014

Tetra Tetra Flexagon with Casa Co photos

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I referred with Alisa Golden, Handmade Book, book, to make tetra tetra flexagon.

I printed 3 of my own photos and pasted the origami to show on different pages. 

Tetra Tetra Flexagon with Casa Co photos

Tetra Tetra Flexagon with Casa Co photos #2

May 23, 2014

Art Mania Cafe Gallery Yokohama 5/19/14

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With art mania cafe gallery Toshie san,
Thank you for nice conversation!!
It was a nice gallery at the nice downtown (下町)neighborhood in Yokohama city.

artmania cafe gallery yokohama site

From 3rd floor to down...

steep stairs 

Mexican style painting

Doubutsuen dour street (close to the zoo) 

something strange?

It was renovated an old house, and bar?

Strange entrance...

On the right, artmania Tomita san

On the right, a photographer from CA Hikaru san whom I met in Design Festa

"New People" diptych painting

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タイトル:New People

サンフランシスコにあるNew Peopleという日系のモールを撮った写真をデジタル化したイメージです。
サイズは1枚が41×53cm, もう1枚が45×53 

fake Andy Warhol Genshya Marylin (repeat)

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I post again fake marylin here.
I sent to IA USA as a mail art.
The photo is I took from some website and made collage with Andy Warhol Marylin.
It is also a parody of foreigner impression of Japan = geisha. (~_~)

May 19, 2014


collage photo ads at Shinosaka station 

May 18, 2014

Falling World Economy, 2008

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Falling World Economy, 2008
Mixed Media, Combined Painting, on wood, 30 by 35 by 3 cm.
Cork board, digital print, sickle, copy of Japanese bill, house oil paint.

It shows a chaotic situation in economy that happened around the world in 2008.

May 16, 2014



May 15, 2014


zine 日本ではジンというらしいがアメリカではザインと発音するので在住時の癖でそう発音する。(⌒-⌒; ) 

今San Francisco のエッセイ書いているのでそれを使ってzineを作ろうと思っています。

May 10, 2014

May 8, 2014

orange I did today

today's orange painting 

added more collage ads paper  

I used yellow colored paper and put dark blue acryic. It turned out to look like green with these mixed colors effect seeing the yellow beneath it.

I like the effect that with the color of paper, oranges look popping out. 

May 4, 2014

today's orange

today's orange fixing a little left one and put some ads collage on left 

May 1, 2014


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gallery quint essencesでの展示の写真

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去年のスイスのquint essencesというギャラリーでの展示(右側)の写真です。

年末に横浜のart mania cafe galleryさんにも送る予定です。

毎日新聞記事 美術家死亡で作品展を中止


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