I was invited to join Fluxus Box call as a part of Chicago Fluxfest 2014.
It will be on display at the Chicago Art Institute.
I finished making it and I will send to the US as soon to make the deadline.
シカゴ フルックス フェスト2014の一環として、シカゴアートインスティチュートで飾られるフルクサス ボックスの募集に誘われました。
I cannot explain exactly what is "Fluxus Box" should be, but I assume that it is up to artists or non-artists who make it. And my idea of fluxus box is that a box with a conceptual art but not meant to be sold or copied to make more.. (kind of like a monotype print = one of a kind art)
Continuous from the last year, bird house project, I was thinking to depict my wishes about the nature and animal that to be kept and viewed to human... Since most of places where human lives, do not have access with natural animals (except used to be human pets, cats and dogs kinds of wild animals) and real nature around us but a zoo. I meant to keep animals to "save" them in a box and make awareness what you miss to see during the everyday lives.
「フルクサス ボックス」とはどういうものか?
自分の「フルクサス ボックス」の考えは、箱の中に自分のテーマのコンセプチュアルアートを詰め込むこと。販売しないこと。版画や絵のプリントのように複写する物ではないこと。(一点もの)の感覚です。
>Fluxus box call...
Another Call For Art ... FLUXBOX
FLUXBOX - A Call for art - Curated by Keith A. Buchholz
An exhibition of Fluxus inspired boxes, packages, and games.
Exhibition at the Joan Flasch Artistbook Library Gallery, School of the Art Institute, Chicago.
with a reception on Feb. 20th in conjunction with FLUXFEST 2014.
Please send works made in boxes no larger than Cigar box size for the exhibition.
Exhibit will run from Feb. 15th, 2014 till March 13th, 2014 and then will travel to Minneapolis for exhibition alongside the FlUXJOB show. Exhibit will travel to additional locations throughout the year.
All works will become part of the permanent Networker Archive in Chicago following the exhibitions.