May 31, 2013

Nashville YOUnite Exhibition 6/1/2013

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Nashville YOUnite Exhibition
Saturday, June 1st, 4-6 pm 
The Viridian, Nashville TN

YOUnite Tour is an exemplary initiative for global brotherhood and understanding.
~Artist , Ingemar Hardelin, Sweden

The YOUnite Tour is a global movement and call to action. It is designed to represent and "YOUnite" the world through visual art alone. Participating countries are represented by the artists who create in them. Artists from 55 nations (and counting) have joined in this mission to illustrate global unity through the universal language of art.

We invite you to experience a selection of the original artwork in large and small exhibitions presented around the globe. Each YOUnite Tour exhibit combines a selection of the international YOUnite collection with a juried display by local artists. This combination of art furthers the mission to YOUnite local communities with the world around them.

The YOUnite Tour is organized by AK Llamas, creators of The Nomadic Project. Where The Nomadic Project set out to unite all fifty states of America through art the YOUnite Tour has expanded the vision by calling YOU to "YOUnite" the world.

Featuring YOUnite Artists:
Poland: Anna Skorut
New Zealand: Sandra Marie Adams 
Estonia: Maria Sidljarevich
Croatia: Dora Bratelj
Cyprus: Paskalis Anastasi
Latvia: Sandra Silevica 
Japan: Tomoe Nakamura
USA: Kristin Llamas

Featuring Nashville Artists:
Jamie Adams
Niki Adams
Lela Altman
Christine Buchanan
Carla Ciuffo
Laura Chenicek
Marleen De Waele – De Bock
Margaret Elliott
Tracie Grace
Michael R. Grine
Vince “Bad Panda” Herrara
Shana Kohnstamm
Carrie Mills
Barry A. Noland
Karen Pillans
Stephen Watkins

May 14, 2013

YOUnite Tour @ Nashville TN USA

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EXHIBITION DATES: June 1st – June 30th, 2013
OPENING RECEPTION: June 1st, 2013 4pm-9pm
LOCATION: The Viridian, Nashville TN
YOUnite exhibit featuring selection of work by international artists from the YOUnite collection and local Nashville artists presented by AK Llamas and guest curators Felicia Maldonado and John Michael Woodlee. 

NASHVILLE RECEPTION: June 1st, 2013 4pm-9pm
LOCATION: The Viridian, Nashville TN

Nashville YOUnite Tour Exhibit opening reception during Nashville Art Crawl, June 1st at The Viridian. Featuring internationally acclaimed work from Japan, Croatia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Poland, Estonia, and Latvia as well as local Nashville artists. 

Check out this work before it leaves for Neuchatel, Switzerland this fall!

Younite tourはアメリカ、ナッシュビルのNormadic Projectを企画しているカップルが、世界中のアーチストを1国1人選んでアメリカ各地や世界で展示する企画です。私が登録しているアメリカのアートサイトから誘ってもらいました。



6月1日からテネシー州、ナッシュビルのThe Viridianというところで展示があります。わくわくです。♪ (*^ー^)ノ


高知県砂浜美術館 ティーシャツアート展

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ティーシャツアート展 5/3-8





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