Sep 23, 2011

Our new business cards!

Hi I just created new set of business cards for Galicias' Studio site.
The net shop has not been doing good, so I will sell at a frea market and give people the cards.
The image is from my partner, Alex's book art. (created art by recycle books and cardboard paper)

Business card, 91 by 55mm

Sep 1, 2011

Painting, "Duck Toy Family"

"Duck Toy Family"
Painting acrylic on canvas.52.8 by 45.6 cm
I painted from setting up photograph at bathtub. It implies a chaotic, disaster situation of family.

When I was taking class to paint this, there was a short of time, and I could not have a realistic feel of duck toy so I just fixed with pastel on top of acrylic.

You can also visit our absolutearts site.

Or etsy site

for more of our works and purchase.

Skull stickers ガイコツシール

I bought some Kawaii skull stickers for my partner to make accessories. I sent to San Francisco where he is and he just got it. He likes it.


Joining newsletter!

FB art page

