Dec 31, 2008

Interior Abstract Painting, 2008

Title: Chair
Interior Abstract Painting. 24 by 33 cm, F4 canvas, thin acrylic.

My teacher told me that my stye would be good to do with water media with a lots of water dripping. This is my first time learning about abstract painting, and I had no idea what to do to make it as abstract. Tried to do whatever coming from my mind.

Dec 29, 2008


Here is the watercolor sketch study for the painting. It was better than the actual painting. I kind of like the feel of chigirie. (the technique of cut and paste of tearing Japanese paper to paint.)

Dec 28, 2008

Scissors, 2008 Portfolio
Here I posted the new work. Scissors, 30 by 20 cm, Acrylic on wood.

Aug 24, 2008

Cylinder Pop-Up, Aug., 2008

Pop-up card. Cylinder technique. 
It is an exercise piece. The guy cut out with newspaper is an ice skater, Takahashi. He will spin around when pulling the string.

Angle Cut, Aug. 2008

Angle Cut Folds

It is an exercise piece. It is supposed to look like a bird's beak.

Jul 21, 2008

Final Art Book, 2008

Here is my Final Art Book that I have done last semester. It is about relaxing by the beach. Kind of Hawaiian taste. 
Size: 18 by 24.5 cm. (7 by 9 1/2 inches)

Jun 24, 2008

My Favorite Trains, 2008

It was a project of talking about something from past, present and future. I am talking about an old locomotive in Japan, which is running only for the summer season, an overnight train which it just stop running, and Indian gorgeous train, still carry many tourists. I am kind of stuck with online study, but I am a backpacker, so I want to travel and ride an trains more...

Jun 7, 2008

Tabacco Box Scroll

Here are some little scroll that I made out of a box of cigar chocolate.
Cover Side
Designing I did not made them, but these are a cigar chocolate I refer to.

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